Keep it Cool!

It's heating up as we move into summer, and it's going to keep getting hotter - especially in the car! It's important to keep your children cool while travelling, and it can be a real challenge sometimes. But with a little planning and some outside-the-box thinking you can have kids as cool as you are. Read on for 10 summer time tips you can use!

1. Run that Air Conditioner

Start the car 10 or so minutes before travelling to help take the edge off the temperature inside. Angle them up at the ceiling of the vehicle if possible, which will cool the car faster, and bounce cool air into the back of the vehicle more effectively.

2. Move the vehicle into the shade

Sometimes it's possible to move the car into the shade before you leave - just a quick move out of the driveway onto the street under a tree or the like. Combine this with the air conditioner for even faster cooling!

3. Wrap your child restraint

If you drape one of those reflective windscreen covers over your child restraints before the sun starts beating down, you can significantly reduce the amount of heat they absorb from direct sunlight.

4. Use window shades / window socks

Again, the less direct sunlight that makes it inside the car, the cooler surfaces will be!

5. Check for heat

It's a good idea to check the temperature of the webbing and buckle hardware before you pop your children into the car. You don't want touch burns on their sensitive skin. A good way to remedy hot surfaces is to...

6. Cool down your child restraint with frozen stuff

You can lay frozen food - an ice pack, a bag of peas, or our personal favourite, ice blocks - which can cool the inside of the restraint down quite effectively (and then you can eat the ice blocks, of course). Place a tea towel or something similar down first to prevent any condensation wetting the child restraint, and be sure to remove everything before you put your child into the car.

7. Dress for summer

What you dress your child is can have a huge impact on how hot they get in the car. Think about light, breathable fabrics, and short sleeves where possible!

8. Avoid travelling between 10am and 4pm

This can be a tough one, and isn't always something you can control, but where you can, travel in the morning or the evening to avoid the hottest part of the day.

9. Keep everyone hydrated

If you're travelling for any extended period of time, be sure to pack some cold drinks, and stop regularly to top up on fluids.

10. Look for Active Bamboo car seats

If you're in the market for a new car seat, keep an eye out for products with the Active Bamboo logo on them. Active Bamboo is a high performance, premium quality bamboo charcoal fabric. The gently woven yarn wicks away moisture, keeping your child cool and dry.


As the temperatures rise, it's extremely important to remember to NEVER LEAVE CHILDREN (or Animals) ALONE IN THE CAR. No exceptions - just a few minutes is enough for serious injury or death.

Plan ahead, be safe, and have a wonderful summer with your family!

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